The APEA has formed a committee of educators to proactively plan for safe, equitable, and pedagogically sound in-person opportunities for all grade levels. The committee met for the first time on Tuesday, February 16. This was one week before Governor Baker announced a push to take “remote and hybrid learning models off the table” starting in April.
With spring approaching and vaccines for educators on the horizon, the APEA wants to think creatively about how to build on the powerful classroom communities developed in remote learning and safely provide social-emotional and academic opportunities in person.
The APEA advocates for a collaborative, rather than top-down, approach to planning. Their method is rooted in community building, constituent buy-in, and educational and public health best practices. They hope to hold forums for educators and families as part of the planning process and are seeking opportunities to discuss in-person plans with the School Committee, District and building leadership, and community members.
The APEA reported their planning thus far to educators during the week of February 22, with additional community forums and proposals to follow.
The next Representative Council meeting is scheduled for March 8 at 4:00.
Here is a link to the MTA statement about the Governor’s push to return to in-person learning.