Tuesday June 16, 2020
Over the past month, many administrations and municipalities across the state have threatened or implemented pay freezes, budget cuts, and layoffs to their public services. Furthermore, DESE has recently release guidance for reopening schools that leaves educators with the burden to provide themselves with adequate PPE as they prepare to work close to students and their families. Congress is stalling on a federal stimulus to help towns and cities, and our state legislature remains fearful of demanding millionaires and billionaires in the Commonwealth pay their fair share. As always, these cuts will disproportionately affect our students and communities of color. Our collective action is needed now more than ever! It is urgent that we show the local policymakers and DESE that we can’t take any more cuts, Education Justice = Racial Justice, and that all Educators ARE ESSENTIAL.
On Tuesday June 16th MTA members and supporters will meet at Springfield Central High School for a caravan to Chicopee High School. This caravan will depart at 4pm.
We will regroup at Sheldon Field in Northampton for a second caravan to the UMass Haigis Mall with a stop at Amherst Regional High School. This caravan will depart at 5pm.
Decorate your car ahead of time and/or bring your own car paint, tape, and other materials. We can avoid Covid-19 exposure by unnecessarily sharing supplies. We will also have signs on-site for you tape to your car.
Please Bring:
1.) facemask/PPE
2.) signs demanding funding/PPE/respect/
education justice and/or racial justice
3.) phone to take pictures, video, and navigate
If there are any encounters with police or other issues with law enforcement, please refer them to Mike Fadel at 617-775-1520.
Finally remember to take lots of pictures and tag @MassachusettsTeachersAssociation and your local association’s account!